New Members: Peter Gibson, Brian Moher-Jones and Jim Stewart.
We now have 225 Active members.
Rob Johnston spoke about the new Hiking Group. First hike is July 13 led by Dick Edwards. Subsequent hikes on August 10 and September 15. See the Website for information.
Walter Barclay told many funny jokes that can be found on the Website under the Kultural Attache title. You will need to Login to view this area.
Paul Regan described his youth, education and careers. He began in Business and was driven by innovation which led to jobs with Canada Trust, Hewlett Packard and Bell Canada. At 52 he went back to school to become an Eastern Medicine Practitioner. Retirement brought him to Collingwood where he enjoys golfing at Mad River.
Bruce West described some New Outings, a Base Borden Tour and a Meditech Tour. Flyers were on the table and sign -up at the back. Information is also on the Website.
At the break Bruce was able to get a large number for each tour. Wow!
Marv Cohen outlined the next Breakfast Group Meeting on June 22. It is almost full. There is a meeting each month. See the schedule on the Website.
David Thomson updated the Golf Tournament at Duntrron on June 27. Some spots still available.
David also introduced an initiative to recruit new members. At each meeting the name of members who bring guests will be put in a draw to win a $50 gift certificate.
Bruce Godwin, Dan Edwards, and John Lane