Probus Club of Blue Mountain Cycling Group – Cyclist Guidelines

Hello Fellow Probus Members,

The 2024 cycling season is fast approaching and your cycling group will commence riding on May 7th

  1. All ride participants must be a member of the Probus Club of Blue Mountain or a guest of a member and all must sign or have signed a waiver
  2. Cyclist must have a bike in good working order
  3. Cyclist must be self-sufficient, not relying on others for flat repairs, water, food etc.
  4. Cyclist must bring a charged cell phone, ID, emergency information and proper clothing for the day.
  5. All riders must wear certified bike helmets. Mirrors and rear lights are required.
  6. Cyclist must be able to meet the ride group fitness criteria
    • 6.1. ‘A’ Riders must be able to ride for 1.5 hr. at 20km/hr., ‘B’ Riders able to ride at an average 17km/hr.
Weather Policy Rides will be Cancelled if:

1.There is a forecast of 70% POP or more of rain or lightening or high winds 2. It is raining at the start of the ride.

The decision in any case, will be the responsibility of the Ride Leader.

Email will be sent to riders the previous night or by 7:30am on the ride day, in the event of ride cancelation.

How We Ride
  • All groups are led by a volunteer Ride Leader (RL). RLs know the route, carry a cell phone and explain ride information to the group before departure
  • Riders are expected to follow their RL and ride “tight to the right” and observe all traffic rules
  • No rider shall ride ahead of the Ride Leader unless specific arrangements have been made
  • No stopping on road pavement; move off the road onto the shoulder
  • Left turns must made at right angles at intersections. NO RIDING AGAINST TRAFFIC
  • Before roll-away each rider must communicate with the RL to determine their group
  • Rider must advise the RL or sweep if they are leaving the group at any time during the ride.  Front riders should call out road hazards. Back riders should call out cars approaching.
  • Riders must signal all turns and stops
  • Any rider, if lost, should call the RL’s cell phone to establish how to find the group
E-BIKES (PEDELECS-electrical pedaling assistance as long as the bike is actually pedaled)
  • Pedelec riders must follow all the same guidelines as other bikes.
  • Pedelec riders must use caution and courtesy when passing on up-hills and by not passing the RL
  • Always ride predictably. No abrupt movements or over reactions to potholes, etc.
  • On a descent, riders at the front pedal to keep the pace up to ensure followers don’t have to brake.
  • Before the descent, allow extra space after the rider in front of you if you are fast downhill rider.
  • Pick your group realistically. Better to be comfortable in your group than continuously maxed out
  • Group rides are not races. We are there to support each other by taking turns in the wind.
  • When you see someone committing a ride foul politely say something. We are all responsible for the quality of our rides.
  • If you get a flat or chain off give a loud shout out right away or there is a chance someone will collide with you or the group will ride away without noticing you. If the group knows of your problem they will stop and help you fix it quickly.
  • Cyclists should not engage in any kind of confrontation with drivers or police officers. This includes hand gestures involving the center digit.

Keep Safe, have fun and enjoy your ride with the Probus Club of Blue Mountain