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Next Meeting: November 16th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Sgt. Trevor McKean, OPP - Senior Scams

  • Current membership: 221

November 2023 Newsletter

President’s Message

The summer has gone, fall has arrived and we have experienced our first snow of the season. How time flies.

It has been a successful albeit somewhat challenging year. Our cycling and paddling clubs did well, even with cancelled events due to rain that seemed to arrive every other day all summer long. The luncheon club did manage to enjoy some patio days, and the hikers did enjoy some nice outings. Other activities are going strong, the breakfast club is getting large turnouts, the investment club is up and running, and the kitchen bridge club continues at the legion twice each month. Tours of local plants and facilities are proving to be extremely popular among our members, and frankly very informative. And soon the ski legends will be getting their skis tuned up for another fun year on the slopes.

The Christmas luncheon in coming upon us very soon, maybe sooner that we all might like to admit. Great thanks to Eddie for putting this together. It will prove to be a fun day.

Volunteerism is, as always, a critical part of what makes this club successful. This month saw George Powell retire as the club’s secretary, and Tom James step forward to assume this role. We all owe a great deal of thanks to George for his commitment to the club, and our appreciation to Tom for taking on this task.

Rob Johnson has decided to step away from his role as AV specialist to focus on his other volunteer ventures, so if you have or know of anyone who has experience with AV, please let us know, we can use the assistance. And Larry Gee has expressed interest in moving on from his role on the Management Team in Support and Compassionate Care, and if you are interested in helping with this important role, again please let us know.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our monthly meetings. I know that many are worried about COVID and Flu viruses circulating this time of year, and if you feel like you want to wear a mask to our meetings, you are most welcome to do so. I see more people sporting masks out and about town in many situations, and prudence is recommended for those who want that extra layer of protection.

Stephen Hyndman President PROBUS Blue Mountain

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Bring a friend to PROBUS

This contest is in full swing!

Probus is great fun! Why not share it with your friends? At every meeting we are running a draw. The winner gets a $50 gift card. To get a ballot, just bring a friend. Every friend you bring gets you a ballot. Bring two friends and get two ballots. Draws at the end of every meeting. Good luck.

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Sergeant Trevor McKean from the Collingwood and Blue Mountains Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police will discus current scams directed at seniors. Good information for all of us to have!

Upcoming Activities/Outings

Kitchen Bridge Group:

The Kitchen Bridge group continues to meet the first and third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the legion. Great relaxed camaraderie. We welcome all who have an interest in the game of bridge -- whether a beginner or expert.

Play commences at 1:00 pm but, if you cannot come until later, come anyway. We will fit you into a game throughout the afternoon.

George Powell

Christmas Luncheon:


Probus Club of Blue Mountain's Annual Christmas Luncheon is officially on our calendar!!!

Date: Thursday, December 7th (less than a month away!)

Where: Collingwood Legion

Time: Noon - Social

Luncheon: 1: 15 pm

Entertainment: Dean Hollin presents a Christmas Show

Price: $ 63.00 per person

The only way to sign up for Christmas Luncheon is by going to the November meeting and pay Gene to guarantee your reservation.

We are limited to 100 people attending so it will be
" first come first served " Please be prepared to pay for your Christmas Luncheon tickets at the November meeting !!!! debit card, charge card, or e-transfer !!!

The Legion does not accept debit or charge cards at the Luncheon, so, don't forget to bring cash for your beverage purchases. We are looking forward to seeing you and your significant other to celebrate the: " REASON FOR THE SEASON "

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Activity/Outings Leader news

Breakfast Club:

Just finished a great Breakfast at the Airport on October 26 and attached some pictures.

We had the biggest group so far 16+

Marv Cohen.

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Ice River Solutions Outing:

October 31, 2023

Probus Blue Mountain members were privileged to tour a giant state-of-the-art plastics recycling facility, Blue Mountain Plastics Recycling (BMPR) in Shelbourne. After we donned safety equipment, the plant manager guided us through the whole facility. We saw giant bales of mixed plastic material from blue boxes all over Ontario. These bales include lots of recyclable plastic, plus some clothing, rotting food and even bowling balls. The bales are separated and sorted. The good plastic is ground into flakes, washed and purified, then they are used to create new food containers, including 100% recycled blue and green bottles. Noting is wasted… caps become furniture, paper becomes fuel in a cement plant, aluminum and metal is salvaged and sold.

Mountain Plastics Recycling (BMPR) is a sister company to Ice River Green Bottle Co, who turn the plastic pellets into water bottles and fill them with pure spring water in Feversham. We will plan a tour of this facility next fall.

Ice River Green Bottle Co. and Blue Mountain Plastics Recycling are family owned and operated, and are dedicated to sustainability within our communities.

Rob Dilworth

Ice River
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Investment Group

Oct 10, 2023

Chair: Rod Innes

Attendance: 11 members (including one from another Club)

The following is a loose account of the issues discussed. Any resemblance to what actually happened is purely coincidental:

  • Reducing/eliminating Probate costs - a part of estate planning.
  • What paperwork is needed to allow institutions to relinquish estate assets and why
  • Death certificate; have several copies for institutional requests, etc.
  • Will
  • Will Probated (i.e. government’s “rubber stamp” that a will can be administrated as written). To protect their ass, institutions require that a will be probated to avoid the possibility of someone coming back on the institution, say a release of funds, was not supposedly handled in an appropriate manner. Probate is not as important for assets NOT administered by an institution (see Secondary Wills below).
  • Joint Ownership
  • Joint ownership (where possible) is a key to avoid probate, since accounts simply pass on to the joint account holder.
  • RRIFs cannot be jointly owned and by naming a beneficiary does NOT avoid probate (i.e. Probate is still needed to ensure Will does not conflict with RRIF document).
  • Specific secondary Wills
  • Secondary Wills are designed for assets not probated (e.g. valuable art, antique car, etc.)
  • Useful to have for property owned outside of Canada
  • Gifting
  • Give away assets while you are alive to avoid the larger tax burden that occurs upon death. The question is how much to give now to avoid spoiling the beneficiaries and not leaving you short for care expenses when needed.
  • RRIFs – Proper designation and paperwork to ensure an appropriate and efficient transfer/termination. RRIFs & TFSAs can have Successor Annuitants and (Irrevocable) Beneficiaries. This is useful, say in 2nd marriages where the surviving spouse (i.e. Successor Annuitant) receives proceeds from the RRIF or TFSA in accordance with the terms set out by the original plan holder and after the death of the surviving spouse, the children from the 1st marriage (i.e. Beneficiaries) receive the balance of the assets. Testamentary Trusts can serve similar functions, but require administration and annual tax filing costs.

Lunch Club:

Great group for lunch at the Beaver and Bulldog!  Collingwood’s version of the Cheers bar. Originally developed as fast food restaurant. Burger King or Wendy’s?

Chris Meleski

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November 9,2023

Some 25 blue Mountain Probus members were treated to a tour of the Medatech facility in Collingwood. Medatech is a team of 35 engineers, technicians and mechanics who have consulted on, designed and built systems for customers around the globe since 2003. Their Altdrive technology has been powering heavy duty industrial equipment, notably in the mining sector, for over 10 years. They handle every aspect of EV powered vehicle design and creation. It was awe inspiring to know such an internationally respected business is located in our own backyard!

Chris Meleski

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Ski Legends

November Update

  1. Ski Days: Every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain (meet at 9:30am at the Silver Bullet) from January 9 to March 27.

  2. Private Clubs: The following Thursdays at the local Private Clubs:

    • Jan 11 - Alpine
    • Jan 18 - Craigleith
    • Jan 25 - Osler
    • Feb 15 - Georgian Peaks
    • Feb 22 - Devil’s Glen
    • Feb 29 - Osler
  3. Ski Trips: Two trips every year to a variety of awesome ski resorts in Canada, the US or Europe. Sorry, our trips are sold out for 2024, but you can join the WAITLIST in case of cancellations. Join us at the annual Wine and Cheese at Skiis & Biikes and help us decide where we should go in 2025!

  4. ANNUAL WINE & CHEESE SHOPPING SPREE - WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6th, 6pm - 9pm. · Kick off the Ski Season with our annual event at S&B, FREE, for paid up Legends members only! Receive Discounts, check out new equipment, buy Xmas presents, renew friendships, chat about Ski Trips, learn about Ski Days at Private Escarpment Clubs, get in the Ski Season mood, while enjoying some Sips and Nibbles.

    • On this night only, receive 20% off soft goods, $50 off Boots, $50 off Ski Packages
    • On this night only, purchase your Ski Tuning Package for only $180 for as many tune ups as you need throughout the season, for one pair of skis. (Note - this is not the same as the 2-for-1 offer from Merit Travel for those on ski trips.)
    • Dring the rest of the season, from November 13th to March 31st, we have been offered a 15% discount on REGULARLY PRICED winter goods, excluding labour.
  5. End of season Breakfast social event All kinds of reasons why you should join Probus Ski Legends – where our motto is "Never ski alone!" Check us out here:

To join, go to the Legends website and download the membership form:

Membership cost is $40 per year. Let’s get excited for the upcoming season. Think Snow!

Monty Richardson

Travel Group:

The Georgian Travel Group has their own Website, with all the details of their programs.

Dan Edwards

Now that you're here ...

Take a look at the rest of the website. We have info on activities, calendar, speakers list and so on.

If you need to look up fellow PROBUS MEMBERS, you can login the to the Memebr's area. A number of members contribute to this content, so please check it out.

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published several days before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Dave Eaman.

The Webmaster, Bill Booth, will make it all look presentable.