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Next Meeting: July 20th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Ron Emo - Facts/Figures on Collingwood PROMO

  • Current membership: 225

July 2023 Newsletter

President's Message

Welcome to our July newsletter. I hope you are enjoying our " seasonal" summer weather.

Many positive things happening with our Club. Here's a rundown:

  • Incoming Vice President position - Michael Coward has agreed to this important role. He will be a positive contributor to our Management Committee and will be confirmed as VP at our AGM in September. Thank you Michael for volunteering.

  • Newsletter Protocol - to update you, we publish a newsletter re: the next upcoming meeting, Monday prior to that meeting. And a review of the immediate past meeting 1 week after that meeting. In the Fall we will conduct a survey to assess the use and effectiveness of our newsletter/ review program.

  • Member/ Guest Promotion - developed by David Thomson and supported by the Management Committee, we will formally launch this program at our July meeting. Guests are our best source of new members and this promotion aims to encourage members to bring and introduce guests at our monthly meetings.

  • Activities/ Outings - are in full swing. Cycling, paddling, breakfast, lunch groups as well as others are underway. And our annual golf tournament was held on July 5th. The investment group launches in September. More details to follow. Outings highlighted by the recent fantastic Buddy Holly musical at Kings Wharf and the upcoming September visit to Base Borden are just a few of the outings our members can enjoy. More to come.

And many thanks to those members who volunteer to organize and lead these social events.

  • Our Past Pandemic President, Eddie Sokoloff will once again be taking photos for our Member Roster at the July meeting. It always great to put a face to a name so if you have not had your photo taken and are planning to attend the July meeting, please see Eddie.

If you have you own selfie, you can upload it Here .

  • PLEASE - if you bring a cell phone to a meeting, please be sure to turn it OFF. We've had a number of phones ring during guest speaker presentations which is an unnecessary distraction. Thank you for your cooperation.

Hoping to see you at our July 20th meeting at the Legion. Coffee at 9:30 AM.

Ron Mitchell

Bring a friend to Probus

As we all know, Probus is great fun and why not share this with your friends.

At every meeting we are running a draw, the winner get’s a $50 gift card. To get a ballot, just bring a friend.

Every friend you bring gets you a ballot. Bring two friend, you get two ballots.

Draws at end of every meeting.

Good luck!!

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Annual Golf Tournament

After a change in date resulting from bad weather, we hosted the tournament on July 5th, probably the hottest day of the year. By all accounts we had a good day, weather was fantastic, and the food afterwards was great. Thanks to Larry Hogarth we have some pictures to share below.

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We are having a great cycling season with the number of riders increasing. We now generally have a minimum of 20 riders on our rides and often more.

The upcoming schedule has very attractive routes for both our A and B riders.

We have had 2 very successful BBQ's and many entertaining lunches after the rides. Attached are 2 pictures from our June 20th Blue Mountain Downhill Ride with our BBQ host Emmet.

Join up and Ride!

Monty PBM Cycling Committee

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Probus Paddling

This paddling season has seen several cancellations due to bad weather. The committee has completed the remainder of the schedule for this year and this can be viewed under the Paddling activity site. In particular the popular trip Fish Islands BBQ will be now be held on July 19th not the 20th as advertised due to the Probus meeting being held that day. In addition we are adding the Saugeen River trip on October 5th led by Jim Higgins. Carl Wintermeyer

Travel Group update

The spring trip to Scotland this year was oversubscribed and everyone enjoyed the trip. The Niagara Cycling trip scheduled for September this year has been cancelled as it was undersubscribed. The new trips for 2024 are A Circumnavigation of Newfoundland scheduled for June 16th 2024. It will be formally announced after the GPTG meeting on July 21. In addition the Coastal Tour of Norway and train trip through Norway will also be formally announced July 21. We already have a substantial list of interested travelers for both trips. Carl Wintermeyer

Hike Rescheduled


Frank’s Lime Kiln Hike and Lunch

Thursday 10 AUGUST 2023

Leader: Dick Edwards

Click on Calendar for details.

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50/50 Winners

Bruce Godwin, Dan Edwards, and John Lane

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published several days before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Jake Johnston and/or the Webmaster.