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PROBUS Ski Legends

Probus Ski Legends FEBRUARY 2025 Update

Winter is back!

FREE Social Event: The end-of-season Legends Breakfast is on Wednesday, March 26, 8 - 11 am at Toronto Ski Club (north end of Blue). Come for breakfast and stay for one of our last Wednesday ski days! More details coming soon.

SKI DAYS We ski every Tuesday and Wednesday at Blue Mountain (meet at 9:30am at the Silver Bullet) from January 7 to March 26. Stay for lunch on Tuesdays at one of the restaurants in the Village or at the Inn.

And we ski at the local Private Clubs on 6 Thursdays throughout the season, the 2 remaining February dates are:.

  • Thursday February 13th, Devil's Glen
  • Cost $72 including Tax


  1. Skiis and Biikes - 15% off regular prices on winter soft goods until March 31.

  2. Toronto Ski Club - Discounted midweek membership (ski pass not included) Enjoy a private clubhouse experience while skiing or snowboarding midweek at Blue Mountain Resort for a discounted rate of only $299.00 (plus HST) seasonally. The TSC Midweek Membership is a great option for those who are 5x7 passholders at Blue Mountain Resort and want additional comfort and privacy away from the public.

FREE Social Event - The end-of-season Legends Breakfast in the spring (date TBA).

All participants must be PROBUS members and members of PROBUS Ski Legends:

Membership cost is $50 per year.

2026 Ski Trips:

While we don’t have any details yet, the planning process is underway. We will likely have 2 trips, one in Canada and one in Europe. Expect more details with trip sales to begin in the spring!