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March Meeting Review


Stephen Hyndman gave a background of his employment with the Niagara Escarpment Commission and then in municipal governments in Owen Sound and Belleville.

Stephen has also stepped into the Vice-President chair on the Management Committee.

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Dan Edwards welcomed new members with their badges and copies of the Constitution. Pictured below left to right Mike Robbins, Len Plaxton, Stewart Ash and Nick Best with Dan Edwards.

Guest Speaker:

Brett Squires gave a presentation on his career as a Paramedic. He outlined the different levels of paramedic care. An important facet of his presentation was advice on personal care for ourselves as well as handing out ”File of Life” packages that fit in a pocket sized plastic case and have a magnet so they can be put on your fridge. When needed to take somewhere they are easy to access.

Kultural Attach:

Doug Ellsworth told many funny jokes that can be found on the Website under the Kultural Attache title. You will need to Login to view this area.


Monty Richardson reported that they are setting up the season for cycling to begin May 9. There will be a welcome back BBQ in June.


Jake Johnston gave an outline for the Blues Playoff Game coming up. Those wanting to attend were invited to sign up with him.


Bruce West led members through how to access the Website as well as an app to put on your phone, Ipad or computer. He thanked those members who have come forward to organize and lead the many new activities

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50/50 Winners

Left to right. Mike Robbins, Eddie Sokoloff, Jake Johnston

Upcoming Events

Both the Breakfast Club and Luncheon Club have upcoming sessions. See details on the Calendar.