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Next Meeting: May 18th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Brian French - former golf pro at Mad River

In last fall's Member Survey, Golf rated highest, so as our 2023 Golf Season Commences we are pleased to have long-time professional Brian French as our guest Speaker.

Brian has been a head professional for over 33 years before retiring recently. In 2013, Brian was elected to the Collingwood Sports Hall of Fame.

Brian has always been a student of the game and will share with us some of his experiences and thoughts, particularly on scoring.

Profiler: David Thomson

May 2023 Newsletter

President's Message

Activities/ Outings- kudos to Bruce West, interim Social Convenor for the great effort he's put in to relaunch our post pandemic Activities and Outings programs. Bruce reports that most of our Spring/Summer activities are now underway with leaders in place. And our Outings are being programmed, including:

  • tours of the Avro Arrow (May 18),
  • Ice Springs Recycling facility (October 17).
  • Camp Borden,
  • Agnora Glass,
  • Honda plant.

Some dates to be determined.

  • King's Wharf (June 28) and
  • Xmas Luncheon (December (7) are set to go.

Intra Club Participation - The Collingwood Club has invited us to join them in their LOCAL bike ride program Less onerous than the Cycling Club's longer rides. This is in addition to their golf program in which a number of our members are playing.

New Member Reception - on April 26 your Management team hosted a reception for members who joined our Club just before the pandemic and since. The objective was to welcome these fellows in a social environment not possible during the past three years or so. 15 new members were able to join us.

Audio/ Visual Update - we are pleased to let you know that we have purchased a new projector and are seuring a quote for a new larger screen, the latter which we hope to cost share with the 4 other Probus Clubs which meet at the Legion. Rob Johnson has tested the new projector and reports that it provides a brighter, higher resolution as well as an easy connection for both audio and video inputs. These initiatives will surely enhance our Guest Speaker presentations.

Succession Planning - in order to ensure our ongoing viability the Management Committee is undertaking a search for new or associate team members. If you are interested in joining the club management ranks please let me or any other management member know and we can discuss the responsibilities and scope of these important volunteer positions.

Hope to see you at the May 18th meeting, coffee at 9:30 AM.

Ron Mitchell

WARNING: Please disregard a message a number of us have received from Susan Hall of the UK offering you a path to securing her late husband's wealth. He was a Probus member and she reached out using the Probus International directory . As Trump would say "fake news".

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Lunch Club

The next lunch club location will be Kelseys on First Street on Wednesday, June 14. I overheard someone mention it at our last lunch club event, and it is an awesome location. They can easily accommodate us inside if we have poor weather and hopefully I can sweet talk the server (Crystal) who will be working that day to put tables together outside if we have good weather.

Annual Golf Tournament - June 27th

Our annual golf tournament is back. Last year we had great weather and a wonderful outing for all. The purpose of this event is to promote club interaction and have fun. It is open to anyone regardless of golf caliber. The format is a four man team, nine hole best ball tournament. You can request a foursome or we’ll set one up for you. The organizer reserves the right to adjust submitted teams to ensure skill levels are balanced. Prizes will be awarded for the winners. Following the golf we’ll meet on the Duntroon deck, overlooking the course, for drinks, a great meal, and a chance to regale our feats on the course. To register please pay via e-transfer at our next Probus meeting (details below).

Location: Duntroon Highlands 226 Concession 10 South, Duntroon

Time: 3pm (1st tee time) 6pm (dinner and drinks)

Price: $96 (Duntroon members pay $45)

Payment via e-transfer to (please include Golf Tournament and your name in the comment field) or at the April/May/June Probus me

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We had our first Probus Breakfast today and 6 of the 11 or 12 showed up. Not a bad start and we enjoyed the company and learned lots about each other. Small groups are a good environment for that.

Marv Cohen has agreed to facilitate this monthly and has suggested The Alphorn as the next venue. He will confirm a date and be prepared to sign up people at the next meeting.

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Cycling and Paddling

These popular groups will be starting their busy schedules in May. We will have links to their activities on the web site.

Opening Cycle: May 9

Opening Paddle: May 11

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AVRO Arrow Tour

We are SOLD OUT for this special event taking place on the afternoon of our Probus meeting on May 18.

50/50 Winners

Left to right in the picture above. Mike Robbins, Eddie Sokoloff, Jake Johnston

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published several days before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Jake Johnston and/or the Webmaster.