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Next Meeting: March 16th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Brett Squires - Parramedic Services - see Bio under Speakers List.

Profiler: TBA

March 2023 Newsletter

President's Message

Thankfully we are winding down Winter and I hope this message finds you well.

2023 has started on a very positive note for our Club.

We are rebuilding membership which now stands at 218, one of the largest men's club in Canada. And thanks to our members who continue to invite guests to our meetings. Keep up the good work as guests are our best source of new members.

Our meetings continue to be well attended as we have a roster of interesting and compelling guest speakers. Many thanks to our Speakers Committee of Doug Ellsworth, Bill Patrick and Bruce West for leading this charge.

On another front we have experienced an upsurge in new social activity and events thanks to the work of Bruce West and Doug Smith and those of you who have volunteered to organize and lead in these initiatives.

A prime example was our recent dinner and Collingwood Blues hockey game which was enjoyed by all. This is the type of social interaction which will stand our club in good stead.Thanks to Jake Johnston for organizing this successful event.

We are still working to augment our Management Committee in the long term interests of the club...Vice President, Social Coordinator and Marketing/Communications Leader. Please contact me if you are interested or have any suggestions.

We are on the road to a post pandemic resurgence. Please enjoy the experience with your fellow members.

Looking forward to seeing you at our March 16th meeting.

Regards Ron Mitchell.


Below is a message from Ryan Little, our January Guest Speaker about his ventures in Ukraine and how our donation was spent.

Hi gents,   I just wanted to share a few pictures I’ve received in the last few days with you.   The sign says “Huge thanks to PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain for helping ZSU ( Armed forces of Ukraine)”. The woman in the photo is my contact’s aunt, who is a soldier, and the wife of a Major in the brigade. The other photo of her is with Javelin husks which she wanted to know if we would like as souvenirs – I responded that it might be a bit more trouble than it’s worth to get across borders and also that they are not great for mantlepieces haha The guys with boxes are holding the walkie talkies we have paid for with Probus and Collingwood funds The “splints” photo are from your member Greg Geen who got 150 splints donated from his old company, and which are now on their way to Kharkiv


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Kitchen Bridge

Great fun and a lot of laughs . We have lots of room and would welcome members and their guests to play. First and third Thursday in the month. 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in The Legion’s North Atlantic Room.

George Powell

Great turnout on Thursday March 2 for Kitchen Bridge 3 tables,played from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and had a lot of laughs and interesting conversation GEO

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Investment Group - Check back for updates.

The Investment Group is on hold but there is a movement afoot to resurrect it so watch for new details.

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The Georgian Probus Travel Group is an amalgam of Probus Clubs in the Georgian Bay Region. They organize trips for members to places of interest abroad. The group has created a questionnaire to garner future interest. This questionnaire can be found on our probus club website to submit. Below is an advertisement of the scheduled Scotland Trip that may still have a few openings. Carl Wintermeyer

Cycling Group

Hello Fellow Probus Members,

The 2023 cycling season is fast approaching and your cycling group will commence riding on May 9th. This year, along with our Tuesday rides, we will be adding a Thursday afternoon social ride. Stay tuned to the web site for details as they become available.

To register you must complete the PBM Cycling Waiver available on the web site; Scan or photo the completed Waiver and email to (please note this cycling Email address)

Our Manuals, Waiver, Cycling Skills, etc., are all available and downloadable from the web site under activities. Ride schedules and details will all be on the web site.

Please contact your committee at if you would like to be a ride leader or have ideas for cycling routes.

Hope to see many of you cycling with the group this season.

Your Cycling Committee.

Ski Legends

please go to the article under Activities for updates.

King’s Wharf Production: The Buddy Holly Story

The life and career of this artistic pioneer are celebrated in this spirited musical. Below is the information for the performance.

King’s Wharf Theatre: Penetanguishine
Wednesday, June 28 @ 2:00 p.m.
Group Ticket cost: $49.00 each, tax included
Contact Bob Halpenny. Email:

Breakfast Club

The PROBUS Breakfast
Date - Tuesday, May 2
Place - Georgian Family Restaurant
Time - 09:00 am

Maximum 12 people Sign up March and April meetings

... See Activities page for details.

Collingwood Blues Hockey Game

On Sunday, March 5th Probus Members attended the Collingwood Blues last game of the regular season. We were treated to exciting hockey and super hospitality from David Steel, the President of the Blues and Terry Geddes the Chair of the Board of Directors.

The seats were great and between periods we got to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of the Founders Lounge!

The team ended up in first place and will move forward to the National Championship! Look for future announcements about playoff games.

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6 new members joined in the last month! Club Membership 210

Highlights of the February Meeting

Attendance remained strong at the February meeting with 74 members being there. We have 215 signed up which is VERY healthy and we look forward to increased engagement in activities, events and outings as we move forward.

There were 4 guests and Dave Eeaman welcomed 3 new members to the Club with their badges and documents. See the picture below with left to right Dave Eaman, Erik Chin, and Ewen McIlraith.

Annette Sandberg gave an historical review of the Niagara Escarpment which was interesting and well received.

Pierre Tousignant outlined a venture of gathering all the Probus Clubs in our area for a Golf League and Golf Events.

You can contact Pierre at for more details.

David Thomson gave details about the annual golf tournament. It will be held on June 27 at Duntroon Highlands. Details will follow at future meetings.

Bruce West presented an outline of our “rejuvenated” Activities and Outings with a associated “Activities Chart” which details the many continuing and NEW activities/groups we have developed. WOW!

Check the Activities page for details, updates, and contacts.

Profiler: Don Stockman; Don gave an description of his life from Farmboy to life insurance sales and back to farming.

Kultural Attache; good job Doug Ellsworth with timely joke telling. You can see them on the Website.

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L-R Matt Raymond, Jim Quirk, Bob Miller, Richard Rood

50/50 Winners

The 50/50 winners were Matt Raymond, Jim Quirk, Bob Miller, Richard Rood

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published one week before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Jake Johnston and/or the Webmaster.