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Next Meeting: January 19th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Ryan Little - Ukraine Projects


January 2023 Newsletter

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President's Message

Welcome fellow members to 2023. On behalf of your Management Committee, please accept our best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

2023 promises to be a very positive experience for our club. Our Guest Speaker's committee of Doug Ellsworth, Bruce West and Bill Patrick has an excellent roster of speakers lined up for the year, starting in January with Ryan Little and his Ukrainian endeavours.

We will also be undertaking a new initiative to boost the range of and participation in interesting activities and special events. More details at our January meeting.

As always we are looking for members to take up Management Committee roles to help ensure our vitality going forward. If you are interested in fulfilling a role please let me or other members of the Committee know.

And please feel free to bring a friend to our meetings as a guest. This is our best source of new members for your club.

PS - We will have a new seating arrangement at the Legion commencing with our January meeting. The objective is to enhance the socialbility of our meeting experience.

Hoping to see you on January 19,

Ron Mitchell

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Kitchen Bridge - January 5th

We had 7 out to play Kitchen Bridge yesterday. Great fun and a lot of laughs . We have lots of room and would welcome members and their guests to play. First and third Thursday in the month. 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in The Legion’s North Atlantic Room.

George Powell

Investment Group

The Investment Group is on hold until further notice.

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Special Award

Congratulations to Doug Smith, our Treasurer for more than a dozen years and presently Member at Large on the Management Committee. He was awarded the ORDER of COLLINGWOOD for his robust community volunteer work. Link

Well Done Doug!

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The Georgian Probus Travel Group is an amalgam of Probus Clubs in the Georgian Bay Region. They organize trips for members to places of interest abroad. The group has created a questionnaire to garner future interest. This questionnaire can be found on our probus club website to submit. Below is an advertisement of the scheduled Scotland Trip that may still have a few openings. Carl Wintermeyer

Ski Legends

please go to the article under Activities for updates.

Highlights of the December Luncheon

A number of members and their spouses/friends enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at the Osler Bluff Club on Wednesday, December 7, 2022. Thank you to Eddie Sokoloff for organizing the event and Gene Peycha for the pictures below.

Christmas Luncheon Photos

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Dan Edwards reported that the membership is 211. The Management Committee is looking at ways to increase membership.

President Ron asked for Profilers to step forward. He also asked members to talk to Doug Ellsworth with Guest Speaker ideas and he thanked Rob Johnston for his technical expertise in setting up today’s guest speaker.

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published one week before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Jake Johnston and/or the Webmaster.