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Next Meeting: August 17th

  • Collingwood Legion
  • Coffee: 9:30
  • Meeting: 10:00
  • Lunch: 12:00

Speaker: Dean Lockhart- Electric Vehicles Promo

  • Current membership: 225

August 2023 Newsletter

President's Message

Well, here we are in the " dog days of summer " with the CNE and Labour Day fast approaching.

  • If you're attending our August 17th meeting please bring a guest and be eligible for our $50 monthly prize. Remember, guests are our best source of new members given our excellent " close " rate.

*A sub group of our Management Committee recently held a communications meeting. The objective was to formulate and document our communications strategy including our monthly newsletter, meeting review and promotion of upcoming activities and outings. More information for members to follow.

  • And speaking of activities and outings you can go to the activities button on the Probus Blue Mountain website to see what's upcoming.

  • A recent phone survey of non or low meeting attendance indicated some members could not attend due to mobility or driving issues. If you would be willing to facilitate attendance for these members please see a member of the Management Committee and we can put you in touch. Another good example of volunteerism which is the lifeblood of our club.

  • Save the date - September 21st for our Annual General Meeting. Your attendance is encouraged as we introduce the next Management Committee.

SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS to Norma and Larry Gee on their recently celebrated 65th wedding anniversary.

  • Hope to see you at our August 17th meeting at the Legion. Coffee at 9:30 am. Ron. Ron Mitchell

Bring a friend to Probus

As we all know, Probus is great fun and why not share this with your friends.

At every meeting we are running a draw, the winner get’s a $50 gift card. To get a ballot, just bring a friend.

Every friend you bring gets you a ballot. Bring two friend, you get two ballots.

Draws at end of every meeting.

Good luck!!

July Winner

Ron Emo won the Bring-a-Friend-Draw at July's meeting.

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THURSDAY 14 SEPT 2023 10:00AM HIKE LEADER: Rob Johnston

Please join us for a hike around the top of Pretty River Provincial Park.

This is a walk of 3km in flat woodland terrain. Beautiful hardwood forest and views to the North and East.

We will depart by car from Tim’s on 1st Street in Collingwood at 10:00AM and drive 15 minutes to the trailhead at the Three Stage Parking area. From there we will hike a leisurely loop of approximately 3km. Bring hiking boots or other sturdy footwear, and some bottled water.

We will return to the cars and drive to the St Louis Bar and Grill in Collingwood for lunch.

Please confirm by email before 11 Sept 2023 to: Rob Johnston 416-991-9273

Hike # 2

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We had several fun filled rides and lunches again in July and the beginning of August. Attached are photos from the 'Brew Cruise' led by Chris Meleskie Monty PBM Cycling Committee

Brews Cruise

Probus Paddling

Our trip to Chief Island on Lake Couchiching on August 24th is moving ahead after having some Native issues with accessing the island beach. Dave Hambley will be announcing the new Paddling route soon.

Carl Wintermeyer

Travel Group update

The cruise on Lake Muskoka at Millionaires Row is now scheduled for Sept 24th. Contact Darrell Reeder for details.

The Circumnavigation of Newfoundland trip Presentation is scheduled for Sep 11 by Adventure Canada. For more details Contact Carl Wintermeyer

Lunch Group

Great outing at Iron Skillet! Great food, fantastic weather. The perfect warmup for next month's lunch location, Montana's!

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Now that you're here ...

take a look at the rest of the website. We have info on activities, calendar, speakers list and so on.

If you need to look up fellow PROBUS MEMBERS, you can login the to the Memebr's area. A number of members contribute to this content, so please check it out.

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain News Letter is published several days before the regular meeting of the month, informing members of upcoming events and activities, and other newsy stuff! We encourage Group organizers to write up events, including photos, and submit them to Jake Johnston and/or the Webmaster.