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Meeting Review September 2024

The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published following each regular meeting providing members with a summary of any meetings they may have missed. Prior Reviews can easily be found under the Meeting Reviews Tab above.

PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain

Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun

Welcome to Monthly Meeting

Thursday Sepember 19th

Call to Order and O’Canada

President’s Comments:

Call to Order

Annual General Meeting:

Stephen Hyndman chaired the AGM and the minutes of this meeting are on Member tab (login required) . President’s Comments:

Stephen began by noting that newly elected President Michael Coward was away and that he would be managing the meeting on his behalf. The President’s comments were provided in the AGM.

In Memorium:

Ron noted that he had noting to report.


There were no guests attending the meeting,

New Member Induction:

Dan Edwards advised he has badges for two new members but neither were in attendance at the meeting.


No profiler today.

Kultural Attache:

Walter led us through humorous stories about Donald Trump and dogs (two totally separate topics).


The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.


Chris Meleskie, Activities Coordinator, was absent. In his place, Stephen provided an overview of the upcoming activities and events.

  • Collingwood Blues hockey – sign up sheets at the back, Jake will coordinate this activity again this year
  • Geology field trip -- to be held on Sept 25th – full
  • Angora Class – to be held on Oct 2nd – full
  • 2024 Fun Car Tour – to be held on Oct 10th – Graeme advised there is still room for 5 additional cars
  • Breakfast Group – to be held on Sept 26th at Georgian Bay Family Restaurant at 9:am
  • Lunch Group – to be held on October 9th at Boston Pizza at 12:00 pm
  • Kitchen Bridge Group – 1st and 3rd Thursday each month at the Legion at 1:00 pm, inexperienced players are welcome
  • Investment Group – meeting on Oct 8 at 9:30 am at the Collingwood library, small cash fee
  • Cycling Group – next ride on Sept 24th being a Collingwood Brew Tour
  • Hiking Group – next hike Sept 23rd at 9:30 behind Tim Horton’s for a hike to the highest point on the Bruce Trail
  • Padding Group – two upcoming trips planned, if interested contact Dave
  • Hodgetts or Carl Wintermeyer
  • Ice River 2 tour – to be held on October 22 – three openings available if interested, contact Rob Dillworth

Guest Speaker:

Steve McKee introduced Richard MacLeod, an Avro Arrow history hound who provided a fascinating overview of the history of the Avro Arrow and some of the myths surrounding its development and ultimate demise. Chief among his comments were that the engine for the Avro Arrow was very much prized by the British and the Americans, but that the plane itself was not capable of achieving the objectives for which it was to be tasked, which resulted in the military seeking cancelation of the project. Parts were sold off and the planes themselves dismantled or disposed of, but the engine was used by NASA in the space program.

Stephen thanked Richard for his presentation and interesting historical perspectives on the Avro Arrow of behalf of the Club.

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50/50 Draw:

There were three winners:

  • Bruce Godwin
  • Glenn Weir
  • Tom James
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Eddie also announced that the Xmas Luncheon would be held at the Legion, on Thurs., Dec. 5. A new menu is going to be featured. Stay tuned!

Next Meeting October 17th at the Legion.

Who's Who?

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published after each regular meeting. Content is provided by Meeting Review Editor, Dale White, and Webmaster Bill Booth makes it all look presentable.