Meeting Review October 2024

The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published following each regular meeting providing members with a summary of any meetings they may have missed. Prior Reviews can easily be found under the Meeting Reviews Tab above.

PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain

Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun

Welcome to Monthly Meeting

Thursday October 17th

Call to Order:

President Michael Coward called the meeting to order and lead the singing of the National Anthem.

President’s Comments:

Michael began by advising he is looking forward to his term ahead as President. He reviewed the range of activities offered through PROBUS Blue Mountain. He noted that the recently circulated newsletter was opened and read by 88% of members. The Club is strong financially and he noted that membership fees were kept at the $55 level for this year.

Michael reminded members who have not renewed their memberships to do so as soon as possible. He also advised that more profile speakers are sought, so if interested (even if you have done it in the past), to let him know.

In Memorium:

Ron noted that member James Quirt had passed away and a donation had been made in his name.


There were no guests attending the meeting,

New Member Induction:

No new members were inducted.

  • Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.
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Bob Mills was the profiler, who spoke about meeting his future wife in a sandbox at an early age, his interest in vintage cars and racing, and his career initiatives that took him to the Soviet Union at one point with McDonald’s and George Cohon. His adventures included motor bike trips which included fellow PROBUS member Richard Rood.

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Kultural Attaché

Walter led those attending through humorous stories about ordering from Google Pizza, trips to the dentist, mowing the lawn, Donald Trump and his new best friend the Pope, and famers and peaches.

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Chris Meleskie, Activities Coordinator, provided an overview of the upcoming activities and events.

  • Breakfast Group – 4th Thursday of the month, contact Marv for further information.

  • Lunch Group – next month at the Wasaga Casino, sign up sheets at the rear of the room (or contact Chris for further information)

  • Bridge Group – 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month in the Normandy Room at the Legion – contact George Powell for further information

  • Investment Group – monthly meetings at the library, contact Rod Innes for further information

  • Hiking Group – the Oct 28th hike has been rescheduled to Oct 21st, if interested, contact Carl Wintermeyer

  • Collingwood Blues hockey – October 25th game and Nov 15th game, $15 ticket cost, if interested, contact Jake or Doug Ellsworth for further information

  • Cycling Group – Tom James is doing an excellent job coordinating, if interested for next year, contact Tom – George Christie is running shorter in-town cycling tours for those interested – a cycling tour in Peterborough is being planned, if interested contact Carl

  • Ice River 2 tour – tour on October 22 has to be cancelled due to a planned power outage, to be rescheduled – if interested contact Rob Dilworth Xmas luncheon – Eddie is organizing the event again for Dec 5th, if interested register by paying as soon as possible.

  • Ski Legends – Monty is our rep for this Club, trips are planned for this winter, if interested contact Monty

  • Carl spoke on the need for those interested in hiking to sign the interest sheet at the rear of the room.

  • Carl also spoke on the trips being organized by the Travel Group, for 2025 to include Portugal. Italy, and a Rideau Canal cruise, with more trips yet to be announced.

  • Carl also spoke briefly about the cycling tour scheduled for Peterborough. Chris noted that Graeme’s Car Tour on Oct 10th was a huge success; the winner was David Thomson, and a trophy was presented.

Fun Car Tour

Chris noted that Graeme’s Car Tour on Oct 10th was a huge success; the winner was David Thomson, and a trophy was presented.

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Guest Speakers

Don Stockman introduced speakers from the Georgian Triangle Humane Society, Danielle Ellis, Jenn Straver, and Brenda Stockman.

Danielle began by noting Karen Marsh was absent due to other commitments. Danielle outlined the breadth of the area covered by the Humane Society in Collingwood, covering parts of two Counties. She also explained the range of services provided.

Danielle noted that the Society wish to build a new centre on lands it already owns, and fund raising is underway. Jenn noted that the goal is to raise $7,884,000 of which 46% has been raised to date. Brenda, a volunteer with the Society and a foster care giver for cats, provided an emotional account of the causes of animal abuse and the links to family disfunction, recounting her personal experience.

Through these presentations, those attending were strongly affected by the comments made, some noting that while listening they made donations to the Society. Overall, this was a stunning presentation that affected those attending profoundly.

Michael thanked the three speakers for their emotional presentations noting how much the Club appreciated their messages.

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50/50 Draw:

There were two winners:

George Christie
Jack Pady

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Xmas Luncheon

Will be held at the Legion, on Thursday, December 5th.

A new menu is going to be featured. Stay tuned!

Next Meeting November 21st at the Legion.

Who's Who?

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published after each regular meeting. Content is provided by Meeting Review Editor, Dale White, and Webmaster Bill Booth makes it all look presentable.