Review of Meeting, November 2024

The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published following each regular meeting providing members with a summary of any meetings they may have missed. Prior Reviews can easily be found under the Meeting Reviews Tab above.

PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain

Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun

Welcome to Monthly Meeting

Thursday November 21st

Call to Order:

President Michael Coward called the meeting to order and lead the singing of the National Anthem.

President’s Comments:

Michael had a couple of issues he wanted members to be aware of. We are now asking for volunteers for the position of Vice President and other positions within the Probus executive committee. If there is anyone interested, please contact Michael or any member of the executive committee. Also, the management committee is having a retreat in January, to look at the future of the Probus club and changes we might make to make it better for everyone involved. Because we want to expand our membership base, Michael is asking members to bring out guests who could possibly become new members in the future. Also, our Christmas is Dec. 5 and we still have vacancies for more people.

IN MEMORIA: Ron had no one to announce for this meeting.

  • Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.
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We introduced 4 new guests this month:

  • Brian Davies,
  • Rob Woodward,
  • Martin Oosterveld,
  • Steve Granger.

On Thursday, Martin Oosterveld and Rob Woodward signed on to be new members.
Thanks Rob and Martin!

Kultural Attaché

Walter, again has kept us entertained with his variety of jokes, some involving: Jack Daniels fishing stories, the chicken farmer, the Darwin awards and the waiter with a spoon in his pocket. Thanks again Walter for smiles and laughter you gave us today.

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Chris Meleskie spoke about the following activities:

  • Collingwood Blues Hockey Tickets – next game Jan. 24, if interested contact Jake Johnston
  • Blue Mountain Probus Christmas Party – Thurs., Dec. 5 at the Legion
  • Early Spring Cocktail Party – Tues., Mar. 4 at the Meleskie Homestead
  • Georgian Probus Travel Group – Portugal Madeira Adventure – Apr. 24-May 10 – see Carl Wintermeyer
  • Ice River Tour 2 – Postponed to April 2025
  • Breakfast Group – Mtg. every fourth Thurs. of every month -Kitchen Bridge Club – Mtg. every first and third Thur. of the month at the legion
  • Probus Cycling Group – Peterborough/Kawarthas Cycling Adventure – Sept. 17-19, 2025
  • Investment Group – Mtg. every second Tues. of the month at the Collingwood Library

Please refer to the Website for more information about these activities!

  • Activities
  • Newsletter
  • Calendar

Guest Speaker

Don Stockman introduced the Honourable Mayor Yvonne Hamlin of Collingwood, mayor since 2022.

She began her speech talking about the Grain Terminals and the ideas that are being suggested about what is actually going to happen to the terminals. Because it would be too expensive to tear down the terminals, the town hired a developer to come up with ideas that followed 3 principles brought by the town. Those principles the developer had to keep in mind were:

  • to maintain the historical structure,
  • connect the waterfront to downtown and
  • enhance the public space.

Right now the town and developer are in their due diligence. The due diligence should be finished by late February/late March. Ideas and structures that have been put forward include:

  • rebuilding a new way to the terminals,
  • adding more boat slips,
  • more bike lanes,
  • a swimming area,
  • putting a windowed restaurant on the top floor of the terminals with a 360 view of the bay and town and
  • condos that may built at the marine building next to the terminals.

More information can be heard at a public meeting next Wednesday, November 27 at the Simcoe Street Theatre from 6-8.

Yvonne also talked about the Gateway Centre being built at the corner of Hurontario and Polar Sideroad that would include 6 commercial buildings and a 12 story building that would contain residential units.

She ended her talk speaking about Water Treatment Expansion Plant and how it would provide more water for Collingwood but also New Tecumseth for new residential construction. This is set to be completed by 2029. She ended her presentation with a questions and answer period for the members.

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50/50 Draw:

There were only two winners this month:

  • Bruce Trimbee
  • Martin Oosterveld

Next Meeting December 5th at the Legion.

Christmas Luncheon

Xmas Luncheon

Will be held at the Legion, on Thursday, December 5th.

A new menu is going to be featured. Stay tuned!

Who's Who?

We have 122 "Mugshots" of members on file, but missing 99!. Please send your photo in to fill the gaps. Maximum filesize is 2MB.

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The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published after each regular meeting. Content is provided by Meeting Review Editor, Dale White, and Webmaster Bill Booth makes it all look presentable.