The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published following each regular meeting providing members with a summary of any meetings they may have missed. Prior Reviews can easily be found under the Meeting Reviews Tab above.
Michael began the meeting by talking about the Xmas party survey combined results with Collingwood Probus Club . The response showed that the majority of members wanted to combined Xmas dinner for both Probus Clubs, for next year.
Michael also wanted members to know that you only need to sign one waiver for all events from now on. More info will be available as we receive it.
Ron Mitchell has agreed to led the New Members Champaign. He also put the Probus events and future speakers for each meeting on the Events Listing in the Collingwood Today paper.
Michael Coward
Carl Wintermeyer introduced Ian McRuer as our new member of the month. Welcome Ian!
Chris Meleskie spoke about the following activities:
Bill, who has taken over this responsibility from Walter, kept us entertained with his jokes related to Trump , the in-laws ( involving cars and floods), Englishman, Irishman and the Scotsman POW”s (involving liquor and cigarettes), and at his first Blue Jay game, a lady in a grocery looking for broccoli, the OPP stopping a car on the highway with an elderly couple in the car who had a lot to say about each other, jokes involving diet water, and singalongs at the opera.
Thanks Bill!
George Pengelly introduced Erica Angus, who has been the Executive Director for Theater Collingwood since 2013. Since her arrival to Theater Collingwood, her main goals were to make theater and shows affordable for all, to establish a volunteer program that’s needed, and to have Canadian actors participating in these shows. She also was a part in bringing many shows to Collingwood such as: A Whole New World, Summer of ’69, Trying, Thrudeau Stories and many others.
Erica is also involved in developing Youth and Adult Education Programs that began with amazing teachers and amazing kids that get involved in many events around town. She made a point that no child would be turned down to these programs due to lack of finances.
She also curated an outdoor festival called The Porchside Festival which brings top entertainers to Collingwood to perform on porches in the month of July.
Erica is currently involved in establishing a space for a new Arts Centre for Theater Collingwood in Collingwood. She believes that an arts culture in Collingwood would play a role in mental health, developing empathy and creating community togetherness. This new program is now in it’s third phase and is trying to raise money for its completion. Good luck on a excellent addition to our community.
Fourteen Probus members attended the Collingwood Blues hockey game against Oakville Blades on Friday, February 21. Collingwood won the game 9-0 but the real winners were the Probus members. Camaraderie and lots of laughs were the key. We had a great dinner at Boston Pizza served by Vanessa, a beautiful waitress with an engaging personality. (See the picture here).
Fun at the game with most guys chatting and analyzing the game from the comfort of the Founders Lounge. Nigel Hilliard really got in the fun by getting his picture taken with Eddie the Yeti! (See picture here).
Our next game will be a Playoff game sometime in early March. If you would like to be on the list to join us please contact Jake Johnston. Take care. Jake Johnston (416) 571-8322
The winners were:
George Christie, Tom Lamont, and Matt Raymond
The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published after each regular meeting. Content is provided by Meeting Review Editor, Dale White, and Webmaster Bill Booth makes it all look presentable.