Review for December 2024

The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published following each regular meeting providing members with a summary of any meetings they may have missed. Prior Reviews can easily be found under the Meeting Reviews Tab above.

PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain

Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun

Christmas Luncheon Meeting

Thursday December 5th

President’s Message December 2024

The 2024/25 winter season has started with a huge dump of snow in Collingwood and Blue Mountain and all the skiers, snowboarders and snowshoers are excited to get outside to enjoy the snow. Ski resorts in the area are off to a great start with opening for the season by mid-December 2024. The busy social scene is starting to buzz with events in Collingwood, at Blue Mountain Resort and at the private clubs. For many other Probus members they have already headed South to enjoy the warmth of tropical beaches, tennis courts and golf clubs.

As 2024 is coming to a rapid end it's a time to look back at the successful year we completed and forward to exciting new developments for 2025. The past year saw the continued high level of activity at the club with terrific speakers, member profiles, tours, biking, paddling, golf, kitchen bridge, lunches and breakfasts. Next year I am looking forward to new excitement with the addition of a weekly Snowshoe group, being led by Bill Brennan and formation a Money Matters group jointly with Collingwood Probus Club. More information on signing up for the snowshoe group is contained in this news letter and on our website activities page.

Recently, the club celebrated the festive season with the annual Christmas Luncheon. Burger Bob and his team did a masterful job on the lunch buffet. Gary Santucci played classical guitar and during lunch Christmas favorites were sung by Kara McCluskie. Thanks to the Eddie Sokoloff for planning the event and to David Hore for assistance with the ever challenging seating arrangements.

I can’t thank enough the dedicated members of the Management Committee for their ongoing support to ensure that the critical duties of running a successful Probus Club are met. This volunteer work often continues unnoticed by members and I would like to give special thanks to past presidents Stephen Hyndman and Ron Mitchell, Treasurer- Gene Peycha, Activities - Chris Meleskie, Membership - Dan Edwards, Speakers - Don Stockman, Website - Bill Booth, Social & Golf - David Thompson, Newsletter - Nick Best, Secretary -Tom James and Meeting Review - Dale White. Without this amazing group of volunteers our club would cease to function and I am eternally grateful for their support.

To all members of Blue Mountain Probus and your families I wish you continued happiness and good health in 2025.

Michael Coward

My Image

Kultural Attaché

Walter's stories for December can be found in the Member's section (login required). He is on his way to Florida for some sun and relaxation. We look forward to his return in 2025.

My Image

Next Meeting January 16th at the Legion.

The PROBUS Club of Blue Mountain Meeting Review is published after each regular meeting. Content is provided by Meeting Review Editor, Dale White, and Webmaster Bill Booth makes it all look presentable.